RMS College is the name of excellence in education.To widen the same teacher training college was established with wide mission. Our broader prospective of teacher training college lies in:
- Providing quality education and fulfilling the catering needs of future educationsystem.
- To provide skilled education in teaching & learning.
- To enhance interest in teaching & Learning through various activities organised inside & outside the campus.
- To enhance holistic empowerment for various teaching learning situations.
- To nurture the talents of teaching & learning.
- To develop conventional approach through technological interventions.
- To develop collaborative learning & teaching.
- To provide strong contingent & motivated teachers.
- To produce large human resources of higher intellectual calibre in teaching.
- To build back bone of teaching & learning through technology and communication.
Help them ass to new challenges of pedagogy being faced by the teachers to package more & more for the update of knowledge by the students with in the same amount of time available for their successful
Thus, provide a platform for sharing of all ideas, techniques and pooling of various knowledge resources.